Ranie B. Canlas, DIT
Vice President for Research, Innovation, Training, and Extension
Overview of the office
The Office of the Vice President for Research, Innovation, Training, and Extension (VPRITE) oversees the operations of its cluster units: Research, Innovation, Training, Extension, Management Information Systems, and Data Privacy Offices. It supervises the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling of its units, focusing on achieving objectives identified as Key Result Areas, ensuring the alignment of RITE Programs, Projects, and Activities (PPAs) to the university’s Goals, and ensuring responsiveness to the universal Sustainable Development Goals.
It is headed by the Vice President for Research, Innovation, Training, and Extension (VP RITE), who is recommended and endorsed by the university President, and confirmed by the Board of Regents. The VP RITE is responsible for reviewing and recommending all unit PPAs, including externally funded items, chair standing and/or ad hoc committees where RITE units take lead roles, oversee implementation of policies, orders, rules and regulations laid down by the Board, the Administrative and Academic Councils, and adhere to the highest standards of public service, transparency in governance, and the prudent and lawful spending of government funds and allocations.
Contact Information
- Email address –
rite@dhvsu.edu.ph - Telephone number - (045) 649-8050 local 104