
NSTP Official logo

The NSTP Role

The National Service Training Program (NSTP) at the Don Honorio Ventura State University plays a vital role in honing incoming freshmen to become service-oriented and civic-conscious. Development of values and ideals are emphasized and intensified in NSTP classes where students, for two semesters, are informed, trained, mobilized and involved in community work. These classes basically deal with training and disseminating information so students may develop and acquire the needed knowledge, skills, attitude and values to become responsible citizens in the future while at the same time contributing for the improvement of the people lives in their respective locality.

The DHVSU-NSTP Office, therefore, prepares, coordinates, consolidates and operationalizes the NSTP-CWTS-ROTC-LTS program of the Main Campus and the other external campuses. The NSTP Office recommends to the University, policies for the attainment of the objectives of the NSTP components.

NSTP Service Components:

NSTP Thrusts

The thrusts of NSTP as implemented at the Don Honorio State University are as follows:

  1. Citizenship Training
  2. Environment Protection and Beautification
  3. Drug Education
  4. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
  5. National Security
  6. Leadership Training and Team Building
  7. Youth Moral and Spiritual Enhancement
  8. Entrepreneurship and Livelihood Enhancement
  9. Sports and Recreation Development
  10. Community Engineering Development and Management Service
  11. Numeracy and Literacy Training


The DHVSU, through the NSTP, envisions becoming a leader in higher education
institution in the levelopment and production of valuable, effective and contributing
members of the National Service Reserve Corps and the Citizen Armed Force.


The DHVSU-NSTP commits itself to encourage, develop and involve students for civic welfare and national defense preparedness by conducting capability enhancement projects and activities that strengthen the tudents' values and traits while working harmoniously with the community and allied organizations.


  1. NSTP aims to promote civic consciousness and defense preparedness among the youth by developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing training. (Sec 3a of NSTP Law)
  2. DHVSU-NSTP specifically aims to:
  3. Familiarize students with the NSTP law, its concepts, legal implications and its implementation at the Don Honorio Ventura State University.
  4. Coordinate and conduct NSTP activities and projects that contribute to the betterment of life of members of the community.
  5. Train, mobilize and involve students in activities and projects contributory to civic action, literacy and preparedness in their immediate locality.
  6. Produce students that are civic-conscious, service-oriented and with enhanced intellectual, moral, spiritual, technical and social well-being.