

The College of Arts and Sciences with the initiative of Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Laura Miriam B. Buenviaje, and Dr. Severina R. Samia as the OIC Dean on September 1, 2009 initially offered the program Associate in Hotel and Restaurant Management (AHRM) in 2010 which was pursued into a degree of Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management (BSHRM). Before the retirement of Dr. Samia on November 8, 2014, the Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (BSTM) was proposed, and Dr. Buenviaje took over the deanship. BSTM was offered in the first semester 2015 to 2016 under the College of Arts and Sciences with Dr. Catherine G. Danganan as the OIC Dean for one academic year. Dr. Elena C. Tesoro continues the deanship of the programs, BSHRM and BSTM, with Dr. Normando C. Simon as the chairperson of the department. In the second semester 2016-2017, the two programs became independent under the College of Hospitality Management. Dr. Simon, who was then the Sports Coordinator of DHVSU took over the office of the Dean until July 2018, and presently headed by Ms. Kathleen Joyce M. Coronel.